Mainly Mattias Ohlund

Friday, April 20, 2007

Mattias Ohlund's dog, Eros, is missing his master

Haha! Thanks to A. for the tip on this footer on Elliott Pap's article in the Sun today:
QUIET TIMES: The Canucks are spending the night before each home playoff game in a local hotel. They also have the rooms for game-day afternoons, all in the interests of maximizing their rest.

"Obviously everybody is different, but the team made a decision to do it this way and that's fine," Ohlund said. "The wife and kids aren't seeing the dad too much, but they understand it's playoffs."

There was no word whether the Ohlund family dog, Eros, understands the post-season as well.


  • awww im preetty sure eros means erosion in english lol....

    By Blogger canucks<3, at 9:30 pm  

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