Mainly Mattias Ohlund

Friday, November 21, 2008

Back from the New York trip

So! Back in Vancouver after catching both Canucks games in New York.. along with 30 other people it looked like. Meh, the trip was not memorable outside of the hockey. Although, I must admit that I have never talked to so many male strangers as I did during those two games in New York. I think I've discovered the way to meet guys - go to away games. At least you know 2 things: 1. They're Canucks fans and 2. They're employed with enough vacation/money to travel.

I felt sad for Morrison and Naslund all over again when I read that Naslund spoke to Brendan over the phone before the game in Iain MacIntyre's article. Jim Hughson also had a blog posting on the lack of Van love for Naslund.


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