Mainly Mattias Ohlund

Monday, November 20, 2006

Jarkko Ruutu: before and after!?!

So Jarkko Ruutu's brother, Tuomo played well in yesterday's game (2-1 Vancouver). Which, of course, prompted me to see how Jarkko was doing. I found this Finnish article on Jarkko but I have no idea what it says. It looks pretty interesting though.. lol.

Took a look to see how we were faring in the standings and 5 points separate the division leader, Minnesota, and current bottom, Colorado. 5 points! Good but tough hockey in the Northwest...


  • oh no, really? Poor Jarkko. Ouch, yeah, he had a big fan base here. He probably does miss Van a lot. So might Anson Carter.. So that's his fiance eh? Hahaha! Well, he did well for himself. What is it with sports figures and actresses/models?

    By Blogger Mainly Mattias, at 9:20 am  

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