Mainly Mattias Ohlund

Thursday, November 09, 2006

6-0 Loss to Ducks

Wow... just, wow. The game was painful to watch on so many counts. I did some reading while watching. When I looked up, I alternately saw traps, Canucks skating into each other and Ducks pounding Canucks. And when Canucks tried to throw hits of their own, they just bounced off their checks and fell down. If they weren't my team, I would have found it kinda funny actually.

Oh, and now that Mattias Ohlund is a -4 in plus/minus, it just renews the bash Ohlund debates once again. You just can't win in Vancouver. If I were a player, I'd consider the moderate weather, outdoor activities and food to be pros. Cons would include the rain, and the fans.


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