Mainly Mattias Ohlund

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Faceb**k's source code out in the open.. by "server malfunction"

Haha! I wonder what the repercussions will be of this latest development in FB. Apparently Facebook's source code leaked out and got posted on a blog for everyone to read. Oooo... all that juicy and real information about people. Just waiting to get accessed by a quick hacker, cracker or corporation. FB's official response: known error in server. Here's the article. Here's also a blog post about HOW SCARY FB REALLY IS!!!

Ohlund news: An Ohlund sighting on Grouse puts Mattias back in Vancouver!


  • that's scary! I'm on facebook all the time (when I should be listening to my instructor or doing my classwork...)

    Yay! Ohlund is back in town! Maybe there will be more Canuck sitings soon. I think Willie Mitchell is back too, but I'm not sure. I miss hockey. I miss my blog.

    By Blogger alayna, at 7:43 am  

  • All of my friends are on FB and keep trying to get me on. And yeah, I miss hockey too!!!!! And reading your and M's blog!!

    By Blogger Mainly Mattias, at 9:14 am  

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